Friday, September 17, 2010

My Austen Obsession!

I adore Jane Austen novels. I'm such a romantic and no matter how many times I've read her books I always end up discovering something new about them. There's never a dull moment and you can't bare to put down the novel before you read that last sentence which brings the whole story together.

If I have to rank her novels in a certain order then it would be the following:
  1. Persuasion (favorite character Captain Wentworth)
  2. Pride and Prejudice ( Mr Darcy)
  3. Sense and Sensibility ( Elinor)
  4. Mansfield Park ( Fanny Price)
  5. Emma (Mr Knightley)
  6. Northanger Abbey (Henry Tilney)
I'm also addicted to the movie and tv adaptaions of her novels, doesn't matter what language they're in just as long as they don't ruin the original story, becuase then it's no longer an adaptation but merely an audacity...

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